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Spot Billing Solution for Gas Utility Company

Our client is based in India and a prominent player in the gas utility sector. We are seeking automation for their customer billing and invoicing processes. Faced with inefficiencies and time-consuming manual meter readings and SAP-ISU billing, they aimed to modernize their operations to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  • Industry
    City Gas Distribution, Utilities
  • Country
Spot Billing Solution for Gas Utility Company
Years In Business
Years In Business
Projects Delivered
Projects Delivered
Happy Clients
Happy Clients
Countries Served
Countries Served

Client Goals & Expectations

The primary objective was to streamline billing operations by integrating meter reading and billing processes into a unified system. The client aimed to reduce billing cycle times, enhance accuracy, and improve overall operational efficiency.

  • The primary objective is to automate the billing and invoicing process to eliminate manual errors, reduce processing time, and improve overall efficiency.
  • Our client aims to integrate meter reading seamlessly with the billing system to ensure accurate invoicing and streamline the entire process from data collection to billing generation.
  • Another goal was to improve customer satisfaction by providing faster billing cycles, accurate invoices, and introducing self-service options for billing inquiries and payments.
  • The client seeks to lower operational costs, improve resource utilization, and increase profitability by automating billing and meter reading processes and reducing reliance on manual labor.
  • The implementation of scalable solutions will allow the client to accommodate a growing customer base and expand their operations efficiently.

Challenges Faced by Client

Reliance on Manual Meter Reading & SAP-ISU Billing

Reliance on Manual Meter Reading and SAP-ISU Billing

The existing process heavily relies on manual meter readings, making it prone to errors and delays. Additionally, the integration with SAP-ISU billing is not seamless, leading to inefficiencies in data management and processing.

Inefficient Billing Cycle Leading to Delays and Errors

Inefficient Billing Cycle Leading to Delays and Errors

The current billing cycle suffers from inefficiencies, resulting in delays and errors in invoicing. Manual intervention and lack of automation contribute to inaccuracies and prolonged processing times.

Lack of Integration Between Meter Reading and Billing Systems

Lack of Integration Between Meter Reading and Billing Systems

There is a significant gap between meter reading and billing systems which hindered the smooth flow of data and information. The lack of integration leads to disjointed processes and manual interventions and majorly impacted overall efficiency.

High Operational Costs and Resource Inefficiencies

High Operational Costs and Resource Inefficiencies

Manual meter reading processes incur high operational costs and resource inefficiencies. The reliance on manual labor not only increases overhead expenses but also limits scalability and growth opportunities.

Limited Scalability and Growth

Limited Scalability and Growth

The current systems and processes lack scalability, making it challenging for the organization to accommodate the growing demands of a rapidly expanding customer base. This limitation hampers the ability to scale operations efficiently and seize new business opportunities.

  • Decoupling Printing and Sending WhatsApp Operation

    We've revolutionized system performance by decoupling printing and WhatsApp sending operations. This strategic move results in faster processing, reduced errors, and enhanced system responsiveness, significantly advancing overall performance.

  • Leveraging PostgreSQL DB as a Message Bus

    Our groundbreaking innovation utilizes PostgreSQL DB as a message bus, offering a cost-effective solution that enhances message delivery between system components. This approach ensures scalability, efficiency, and significant cost savings, eliminating the need for third-party message bus services.

  • Background Service Implementation in .NET 8 with Quartz Library

    We've adopted a cutting-edge approach by implementing background services in .NET 8, coupled with the Quartz library. This choice enables seamless management of large volumes of data and concurrent tasks, ensuring optimal resource utilization and efficient execution of background processes.

  • API Performance Optimization for Enhanced Scalability

    Advanced enhancements in our API enable adept handling of substantial traffic loads, ensuring swift and effective generation of bills. Moreover, our robust framework seamlessly accommodates the expanding demands of a growing customer base, enhancing scalability and performance.

  • Self-Billing API

    Empowering customers, we've developed a Self-Billing API that allows them to generate bills independently, reducing reliance on manual processes and promoting self-service.

  • Device Authentication and SAP Integration

    Robust device authentication ensures data security, while seamless integration with SAP streamlines the entire billing process, enhancing efficiency and reliability.

  • Integration of UPI Payment in WhatsApp

    To further enhance user experience, we've integrated UPI Payment directly into WhatsApp, enabling customers to make quick and convenient payments, thereby improving convenience and satisfaction.

  • Business Growth Reports

    We've created various reports to support business growth and monitor system efficiency, providing valuable insights for data-driven decisions and strategic planning.

  • Database Migration

    Successfully migrating the database from Oracle to PostgreSQL facilitates the transition from on-premises to the cloud, ensuring scalability for future business growth and enhancing overall system reliability and performance.

How we Confronted the Challenges

Project Glimpse

According to a report by McKinsey & Company, businesses that embrace digital transformation and automation can increase their productivity by up to 40%.

Core Features

Instant online billing
Instant online billing
Integration with SAP-ISU billing
Integration with SAP-ISU billing
Self-Billing API
Self-Billing API
Secure device authentication
Secure device authentication
UPI Payment integration
UPI Payment integration
Detailed growth reports
Detailed growth reports
Capture Meter reading
Capture Meter reading
Manual entry
Manual entry
Sync Data
Sync Data & Invoice generation

Workflow Journey


We begin by thoroughly analyzing the client's requirements and pain points. This involves gathering insights into their existing processes, identifying challenges, and understanding user needs to inform our design and development approach.

Requirement Analysis

Next, we focus on creating a user-friendly interface for both field staff and administrative personnel. Our design team works closely with stakeholders to ensure that the interface is intuitive, efficient, and aligned with the client's objectives.


Once the design is finalized, our development team springs into action. Leveraging technologies such as .NET, Angular, and MSSQL, we implement the required features and functionalities to bring the solution to life. Our goal is to deliver a robust and scalable solution that meets the client's needs.


Rigorous testing is a crucial step in our process. We conduct comprehensive tests to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and performance of the solution. This includes functional testing, usability testing, and stress testing to identify and address any issues before deployment.


After thorough testing, we proceed with the deployment of the solution. Whether it's on the cloud or on-premise, we ensure a seamless deployment process to minimize disruption to the client's operations. Our team handles the setup, configuration, and migration, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.


Our commitment to excellence doesn't end with deployment. We continuously monitor the solution's performance and gather user feedback to identify areas for improvement. Through ongoing optimization efforts, we strive to enhance user experience, address emerging needs, and ensure the long-term success of the solution.


Results and Achievements

  • 01.
    Reduction in Billing Cycle

    Reduced billing cycle times by 75% with our spot billing system, integrating seamlessly with various industrial domains and SAP for faster and secure utility meter readings and invoice processing.

  • 02.
    Increase in Accuracy

    Achieved a 90% reduction in meter reading and billing errors using OCR technology, integrated UPI Payment in WhatsApp, and generated comprehensive business growth reports to enhance accuracy and market position.

  • 03.
    Increase in Customer Satisfaction

    Improved customer satisfaction by 60% through quicker billing and payment processing with a user-friendly interface, better data quality, and centralized activity integration, boosting transparency and service delivery.

  • 04.
    Decrease in operation cost

    We witnessed Significant cost savings with a 40% decrease in operational costs. All mediums of unnecessary waste were stopped.

  • 05.
    Increase in revenue

    We achieved savings on backend/admin staff and stationary costs, improved cash flow, and revenue generation. The solution led to increased efficiency, better decision-making, and the elimination of fraud with meter reading images.
