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Test Automation Strategy: An Informative Guide


October 5, 2023


March 18th, 2024

Software Test Automation plays a crucial role in the software development life cycle, It is essential for improving the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of the testing process. It helps identify defects early, reduces testing costs, and supports the rapid delivery of high-quality software in modern software development practices like Agile and DevOps.


Test Automation Strategy: An Overview

An automation test strategy is a high-level plan that outlines how automated testing will be implemented within a software development project. It helps ensure that automated testing is aligned with the project’s goals and objectives and is executed efficiently and effectively.

A well-defined Test Automation Strategy ensures that automation efforts are aligned with business goals, and it helps organizations achieve more efficient and effective software testing processes. It also provides a structured approach to implementing automation and ensures that the right tools and processes are in place for successful automation initiatives.

Before we deep dive into automation strategy, let’s understand what Automation Testing is:

Software test automation is the process of using automated tools and scripts to execute software tests on a software application or system. It involves the use of software programs to perform repetitive and manual testing tasks, thereby reducing human intervention and increasing the efficiency, repeatability, and accuracy of the testing process.

Also Read: 25 Popular Software Testing Tools To Look For In 2023

Advantages of Automation Testing

  • Faster Test Execution: Automation can run tests much faster than manual testing, enabling quicker feedback to development teams.
  • Reusability: Test scripts can be reused for different test scenarios, reducing duplication of effort.
  • Consistency: Automated tests follow predefined steps consistently, reducing the chances of human error.
  • Increased Test Coverage: Automation allows for more extensive test coverage as it can execute a large number of test cases efficiently.
  • Improved Product Quality: Detecting and fixing defects early in the development cycle leads to higher software quality.
  • Cost Efficiency: While there is an initial investment in creating and maintaining automation scripts, it often results in long-term cost savings compared to manual testing.
  • Improved Test Management: Automation tools often offer features for test case management, reporting, and tracking, streamlining the test management process.
  • Scalability: As the software grows and evolves, automated tests can scale to accommodate new features and changes, ensuring that testing keeps pace with development.

However, not all tests can or should be automated. Test automation is most effective for repetitive, stable, and well-defined test cases. Some testing activities, such as exploratory testing and usability testing, still require human judgment and creativity.

A balanced approach combining automated and manual testing is often the best strategy for comprehensive software testing and therefore it is important to have a well-defined automation strategy in place to carry out automation tests in the projects.

Key Components to Build a Test Automation Strategy

Define Objectives and Goals:

  • Start by clearly defining the objectives of automation testing. What do you want to achieve with automation, such as faster test execution, broader test coverage, or improved test accuracy?
  • Set specific goals and metrics to measure the success of your automation efforts, such as increased test coverage, reduced testing time, and improved defect detection.
  • Also need to decide which automation testing types are required e.g. Functional Automation, Database Testing, API Testing, and Mobile App Automation & If non-functional testing is included then need to identify if performance testing or Security testing needs to be covered.

Scope and Test Selection:

  • Determine which tests are suitable for automation. Not all tests are equally valuable or feasible to automate. Focus on repetitive, time-consuming, and critical test cases.
  • Identify the scope of automation, including which parts of the application or system will be automated and which will be tested manually. For example, Need to Automated Smoke Test Suite, Regression Test Suite, or End-to-End Automation Suite.

Automation Tools and Technologies:

  • Choose the appropriate automation tools and technologies based on the project’s requirements, the technology stack, and the skills of your team.
  • Consider factors like support for different testing types (functional, regression, load, etc.), ease of scripting, integration capabilities, and licensing costs.
  • Some of the Open-Source tools that are widely accepted in the industry include Selenium for functional automation, Appium for Mobile Automation & JMeter for performance testing.

Test Environment and Data Setup:

  • Ensure that the test environments (e.g., development, staging, production) are set up properly for automation testing.
  • Plan for the creation and management of test data, ensuring that test scenarios have the necessary data inputs, and that data is properly cleaned up after tests.

Automation Framework:

  • Decide on an automation framework or approach that best suits your project. Common frameworks include keyword-driven, data-driven, and behavior-driven frameworks.
  • Define coding standards, naming conventions, and folder structures for test scripts.
  • It is recommended to create reusable components in the framework so that it can save time while implementing automation & team members can easily consume those components wherever required in their test scripts.

Test Script Design:

  • Develop clear guidelines for writing test scripts, including comments and documentation.
  • Create reusable and maintainable test scripts that are easy to update when the application changes.
  • Scripts can be created module-wise or feature-wise. It is recommended to define the approach at the start of the automation so that all team members remain in sync and there will be less or no rework while merging the scripts.

Test Execution and Reporting:

  • Plan how and when automated tests will be executed, considering factors like build triggers, continuous integration (CI) pipelines, and scheduled test runs.
  • Automation allows tests to be executed in parallel across different browsers, environments, configurations, or devices, reducing test execution time.
  • Define the reporting format and content, including pass/fail status, logs, screenshots, and detailed error messages.
  • Some of the famous reporting plugins include ReportNG, Extent Report, and Allure Report which give very useful details of test execution and give detailed error messages in case of test failure.
  • The reports are available in HTML format and can be emailed to the stakeholders.

Test Maintenance and Version Control:

  • Establish a strategy for maintaining automated test scripts as the application evolves. Regularly review and update test scripts to keep them in sync with the application.
  • Use version control systems to track changes to test scripts and ensure collaboration among team members.

Training and Skill Development:

  • Invest in training and skill development for your testing team to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and expertise to work with automation tools and frameworks effectively.

Review and Continuous Improvement:

  • Periodically review and assess the effectiveness of your automation strategy and make adjustments as needed to align with project goals.
  • Continuously seek opportunities for improvement, such as optimizing test execution times or expanding test coverage.

Budget and Resource Allocation:

  • Allocate budget and resources for automation efforts, including hardware, software, and personnel.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Foster effective communication and collaboration between the testing team, development team, and other stakeholders to ensure that automation efforts are aligned with the project’s goals.

Automation Test Strategy: The Closing Thoughts

By developing a comprehensive automation test strategy, you can ensure that your automation efforts are well-planned, executed efficiently, and contribute to the overall quality and success of your software development project.

At SPEC INDIA, we assist organizations without prior test automation expertise in harnessing the advantages it offers. Our range of test automation services can be tailored to your specific needs and project prerequisites.

Encountering challenges in your test automation efforts? Hire our experienced testing team to assess your existing approach and recommend the most suitable steps forward.

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