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Top 25 Companies/Brands Using ReactJS Development


January 23, 2020


March 15th, 2024

Category Blog, React

Ranked 1st on StackOverFlow Developer Survey Results 2019 in the category of Most Loved and Wanted Web Frameworks

In 2019 ReactJS Ranked 1st on Awareness, interest, and satisfaction ratio rankings, and also in opinions on the technologies survey

In 2019, React added 22.9k stars, making it the #3 most popular JavaScript project on GitHub

React JS is the 6th most popular in the Top 10k sites in JavaScript Library category according to Builtwith.com

There are about 1,066,618 WEBSITES using React all around the globe [Source]

22273 developers on StackShare have stated that they use React [Source]

Top Companies Using ReactJS

Looking at the above, you can easily say that ReactJS development is everywhere. The reaction to React is remarkable!

The globe has gone digital; as we read this, technology is changing. Whether startups or enterprises, businesses stay abreast of the changing tech space.

One popular and fast JavaScript framework – ReactJS, has kept up with the pace of technically fulfilling demands and has been on top of the charts in the developer fraternity. The above statistics signify that it is one of the most preferred frameworks by developers worldwide.

Before we examine the vast conglomerates enjoying ReactJS’s full potential, let’s first understand what ReactJS is, why it is needed, and its key benefits.

React JS – The Need & Key Benefits

ReactJS, the JavaScript library, is an open-source framework initially released in 2013. Facebook supports it and has a massive community of developers. ReactJS is primarily used to build rich user interfaces for web and mobile applications and works on the MVC concept.

It requires only a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript, so it has gained popularity as a front-end web development tool.

Undoubtedly, when the popularity charts for ReactJS are soaring, there ought to be certain key reasons developers love this framework to such an extent. Though the list is quite a big one, here are the most significant features and benefits that it offers that make it a desirable technology for all:

  • Faster Go-To-Market Time

    Organizations are keen to adapt to technologies that assist them in speeding up their time to market, completing their software solutions on time, and implementing them without any hassle. ReactJS is perfect for this since it has a high development speed due to its multiple reusable components.

    Developers find it easy and manageable to build applications at an incredible speed. It ensures high-end productivity and accelerates maintenance. React also has React Native, a cross-platform mobile app development tool that works wonders.

  • A Secure Future

    Organizations are looking for stable technology with technologies coming and going so haphazardly. ReactJS is just that since it is backed by big names like Facebook, Instagram and millions of developers globally.

    Even with increasing peer competition, ReactJS has sustained its popularity, which is still high. Hence, developers find security and stability in opting for React.

  • Ease Of Use

    With so many tools and frameworks doing the rounds, developers are attracted to the simplicity with which the tool operates.

    ReactJS has become an easy option for novices and experts alike. It has streamlined the programming job and greatly simplified resource administration.

  • Quick Rendering With V-DOM

    The Facebook team has given the Virtual Document Object Model (V-DOM) to ReactJS because it offers a high-speed rendering, less time wastage, enhanced user experience, and better app performance. This is mainly for highly complex and dynamic applications.

  • Efficient Design And Developer Tools

    React has great practical design, development, and debugging tools. React developer tools are available for specific browsers, like Chrome and Firefox. These empower developers to inspect the V-DOM. Tracking the hierarchy of components is even possible.

  • Clear Abstraction

    One of its key advantages is that ReactJS offers a good level of abstraction, which signifies that users are not exposed to complicated internal processes.

    This is because it is unnecessary, and internal processes should avoid the end-users to lessen confusion, which is possible by using ReactJS.

    The development team using ReactJS needs to understand the components’ complete life cycle properly and not always follow a pattern-based approach like MVC.

Don’t miss out on the ReactJS revolution

Top Organizations/Brands Using And Leveraging The Potential Of ReactJS

#1 Facebook

Facebook needs no introduction due to its widespread popularity. With a user base of over 2.2 billion people, who isn’t on Facebook?

Yes, even Facebook, the pioneer of the ReactJS library, uses React – obvious, though. Their webpage is developed using React with the script blended into the app code. Their mobile app has been constructed with React Native, a step ahead in the React family, and is accountable for showing the Android and iOS native parts in place of the DOM components.

Around 2017, Facebook launched React Fiber as an entirely reworked version of ReactJS. This version has become the core component of any feature development and enhancements of the React framework. Making React more responsive, with this component framework, Facebook has been efficiently facilitating the display of comments, notifications, etc., without any page reload.

#2 Instagram

Instagram is a widespread social media platform used extensively by the young generation and the corporate world to display videos, photos, and information. The Instagram app has showcased the usage of many modern-day features, and its API has been successful.

Instagram was developed entirely using the ReactJS library, enabling developers to enjoy its fruits. The single-page web app has been entirely designed with the ReactJS family. Thanks to React, the Instagram web showcases fast performance and responds swiftly to different user-driven events.

Various features in Instagram, such as Geolocations, Google Maps, progressive loading, image/video delivery, uploading, etc., are facilitated by ReactJS.

#3 X (Formerly Known as Twitter)

It is a viral social media platform that a vast community worldwide prefers.

Twitter started using React when it rewrote its website using modernized web technology. React is being utilized in the progressive web apps that it has implemented, offering a wide range of competencies, such as application functionality, push notifications, and offline support.

These progressive web apps are developed with the help of technologies like ReactJS, Redux, and NodeJS.

#4 Netflix

Netflix is a recommended option for online video streaming. The Netflix development team has leveraged ReactJS components owing to their salient features, such as fast execution, runtime performance, and modularity. Netflix is amongst the best ReactJS websites.

Netflix uses React on Gibbon, its platform for low-performance TV devices, and it has been a favorite amongst the developer community. Other alluring features of ReactJS, like the initial loading period, runtime performance, etc., have played an essential role in making Netflix as popular as it is today.

#5 Yahoo! Mail

Yahoo! ‘s email client version uses React. Since Facebook also uses React, the technologies must be in order so ReactJS would be the common entity between them.

The Yahoo! Team finds ReactJS simplistic to learn and work with. They find it easy to operate, debug, and learn. Since there is not much dependence on platform libraries and there are individually deployable components with heavy community support, ReactJS is a good choice.

The novel Yahoo! Mail experience has been created using the topmost front-end technology stack—React is the most important of them all, followed by Redux, Node.js, etc.

#6 Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a big name in education, imparting modern-day knowledge to learners through online media. The Khan Academy portal uses a massive chunk of coding done in React. They find the ReactJS helpful library and much better than their earlier version.

The positives of ReactJS, like eliminating unwanted re-renders and changing the element practically, have attracted the organization. Hence, they have successfully implemented their eLearning portal with ReactJS.

#7 WhatsApp

Who doesn’t know or use WhatsApp? The app next door, everyone is hooked onto it. This popular app uses React JS for its stable and secure performance.

It uses ReactJS to develop user interfaces from Facebook as its prime engine. Even the WhatsApp Web version leverages React for an enhanced web experience.

#8 Dropbox

One of the most in-demand file hosting services adopting the cloud computing model, Dropbox has a massive user following all around the globe. It empowers users to store and share unlimited files or folders with the help of file synchronization.

Lately, Dropbox has adopted ReactJS for its development work. Dropbox engineers have observed its advantages, such as Virtual DOM, smaller file sizes, and heavy community support. These are the reasons Dropbox has chosen ReactJS as its technology.

ReactJS has successfully implemented Dropbox’s cloud-based online backup solution and different storage-level services for its vast client community worldwide.

#9 Atlassian

Atlassian is a world-renowned product development organization with a world-renowned bouquet of products, including Jira, Confluence, HipChat, etc. Atlassian’s internal and external applications have leveraged the power of ReactJS and its family. Almost all their single-page apps are developed using ReactJS. Developers at Atlassian have been highly impressed with React’s critical features, such as its reusable libraries and easy deployment to all devices—desktop, web, and mobile alike.

As a prominent team communication tool worldwide, HipChat has garnered rave reviews. This team has taken up ReactJS while reforming their web edition. Amongst the peer group, the HipChat engineers chose React over others, describing it as a declarative, confident, and conventional framework. Even the Dynamic Forms for Jira and the extension module for the Jira service desk have been reworked with ReactJS.

#10 Salesforce

The world’s SSalesforce is one of the leading and largest CRM organizations, and Salesforce is the best. Salesforce is utilizing the power of ReactJS to render complicated Visualforce pages in a fast and off quickly and efficiently, creating views within Visualforce with ReactJS and, thereby, rendering pages swiftly.

#11 Codecademy

As an expert online interactive learning platform, Codecademy offers free coding lessons for various languages like Java, Python, SQL, and C++.

For a long time, it has incorporated the entire library used by Facebook, with ReactJS as an integral part. React is one of the essential scripts integrated into the Codecademy framework, including the header, menu, navigation, and more. Users at Codecademy find React easy to use, SEO-friendly, and flexible. It is ideal for their front-end development and UI development with JavaScript.

#12 New York Times

A well-established, popular, and happening newspaper based in New York City, The New York Times has been a regular with many for years.

The New York Times has recently developed a new project that was wholly designed and developed using ReactJS. It involves simulating various stars on the Oscar red carpet and filtering a photo gallery.

They have exhaustively utilized ReactJS’s re-rendering feature and benefited by creating lightweight stores that handle data requests.

#13 Taskade

Taskade is a popular team management application that offers a seamless experience in organizing tasks, taking notes, and getting things done systematically and on time.

The Taskade taskforce has successfully leveraged ReactJS’s critical features in its development environment.

#14 Reddit

Reddit is a worldwide online platform that is viral in the US and offers a unified medium for collecting forums where users can discuss, comment, and share their content/views. Over 300+ million users enjoy the portal.

Reddit has been using various components of ReactJS in its framework build, and its team has been appreciating the different features of React that have been fruitful for them.

#15 Cloudflare

As a competent web performance and security company in the USA, Cloudflare has been handling a vast network on the Internet. Multiple top-notch organizations execute faster and more efficient websites because of Cloudflare.

Cloudflare is one such organization that uses ReactJS development to a large extent. It has been a long time since Cloudflare enhanced its functioning and framework, owing to the salient features of React.

#16 Tesla

It is unnecessary to mention how popular this organization is—Tesla is a brand in the automotive and energy sector. It has been pivotal in fastening the globe’s move to sustainable energy with electric cars, reusable energy solutions, and solar panels.

As an official move, Tesla’s development team has been utilizing the advanced web engineering technology of ReactJS.

#17 BBC

BBC is an old favorite of many and a completely trustworthy source for millions. It has been a pioneer in the media industry. BBC business owners are responsible for showcasing only trusted and authentic news in their online forums.

That is one big reason React development was chosen as their fundamental technology for showing their news online. The task force at BBC could realize the potential of React and the extent to which it can support its online version with minor effort and downtime.

#18 GitHub

GitHub is the world’s leading software development platform. It brings her a massive community of developers to design and build better-quality software. GitHub offers open-source opportunities and business-specific functionality, and it is competent enough to manage projects in its periphery.

Being a critical portal, GitHub sought to use ReactJS in its development framework. Developers at GitHub have trusted the goodness of ReactJS completely and unleashed its potential.

#19 AdRoll

AdRoll is a big name in digital marketing. It has facilitated the development of tailor-made ad campaigns based on website information for brands of all sizes.

They primarily focus on expanding the organizational brand and sales growth globally, with increased customer loyalty and business revenue.

AdRoll has been implementing its website activities with the help of many critical features of ReactJS, which have helped the company establish a robust and secure website.

#20 Asana

Asana is a big name worldwide and is a practical work management tool for all your team’s tasks, projects, and online tasks. It is a web and mobile application designed to enhance collaboration and communication in the task force.

The team at Asana has found that React development offers functional purity in the built components. They have been applying their major design principles using the ReactJS family.

#21 Flipboard

Millions of users utilize Flipboard daily, a highly renowned news-reading app that gathers various news, stories, and conversations. As a happening social magazine, it offers users insight into all types of news, events, and topics in a unified location.

Realizing the wide variety of industry segments that React can help, Flipboard has implemented ReactJS in its development environment and is enjoying its advantages.

#22 PayPal

A globally-renowned online payment portal, PayPal offers supreme services for quick money transfers, online payments, and merchant account creation. It is a secure and fast mode of payment for millions of users worldwide.

PayPal REST API is integrated tightly with ReactJS components, which can be implemented with PayPal business logic and reused multiple times.

#23 Podio

Podio is project management and collaboration software That offers a web-based platform for collaborating with your team from anywhere and handling business processes and data in project management workspaces.

As social collaboration software, it facilitates users’ development of applications and building workspaces to support their desired workflows.

Given the positive response to ReactJS, the development team at Podio has utilized many React features in its development portfolio.

#24 Uber

Who isn’t using Uber? Needs no introduction.

With almost a monopoly on connecting passengers with drivers on hire, Uber has its top slot around the globe.

More is coming in. After Uber came to UberEATS, a portal to facilitate online food ordering. This portal has used the power of ReactJS development and React Native components in its dashboard section. It has been known that the Uber community appreciates React Native technology in a big way.

#25 Zendesk

Zendesk is the proper organization to make communication with customers happy, easy, and effective. It is a software development company that offers a SaaS-based suite with features such as issue tracking and monitoring, help desk management, and customer service support.

Various Zendesk components have been built using ReactJS libraries and frameworks. Zendesk’s Garden design system uses React components and utilities to offer visuals, localization, and keyboard navigation.

Numbers do not bind this list; many more organizations/applications are reaping the fruits of this beautiful technology – ReactJS.

Closing Thoughts

The list seems endless, though the above list signifies why ReactJS is running great goings in the technology world. Many more organizations are enjoying the fruits of this beautiful technology.

The list of popular organizations making the most of React signifies how much technology has raised its bar.

ReactJS’s high potential for web development is being closely observed, and it is no wonder that many big tech giants are taking huge leaps to embrace it.

Let us wait and watch until this list keeps growing, as does the technology with its newer updates and finer innovations.

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