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Cypress: A Powerful JavaScript-Based End-to-End Testing Framework


November 28, 2023


March 20th, 2024

Category Testing

Cypress is an open-source end-to-end testing framework designed for modern web applications. It is built on top of Mocha, a popular JavaScript testing framework, and provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to streamline the testing of web applications.


The Key Features and Advantages of Cypress

The Power of Cypress:

Cypress is specifically designed for testing modern web applications, making it a popular choice among developers and testers. It simplifies automated testing with a user-friendly interface and the use of JavaScript for test scripting. Cypress is known for its capabilities and intelligence, which help ensure the functionality and reliability of web applications.

Automated Testing Made Easy:

Cypress simplifies the process of creating and executing tests. You write test scripts in JavaScript, which is a widely used language among developers. The Cypress interface is highly intuitive and developer-friendly, making it easier for individuals with varying levels of experience to work with the framework.

Built-In Debugging Tools:

One of the standout features of Cypress is its ability to capture screenshots and videos during test case execution. This feature aids in debugging by allowing testers and developers to visually inspect what happened during a test, helping identify and resolve issues more effectively.

Automatic Waiting:

Cypress, by default, waits for elements to become visible, which eliminates the need for explicit wait statements in your test code. This automatic waiting feature simplifies the test-writing process and makes your tests more reliable, as it ensures that the application is in the expected state before proceeding with test actions.

Components of a Cypress Automation Testing Framework

When setting up a Cypress project, it generates a specific directory structure with various folders and files, each serving a unique purpose. Key components are explained below:

Cypress Folder:

This is the core folder of your Cypress project. It contains sub-folders such as:

  • E2E: This folder houses the spec.js files, which contain the core test logic. Tests are written using it(){} blocks, often enclosed within a describe(){} block. Each spec.js file represents a specific test suite.
  • Fixtures: This folder is used for storing files like images, PDFs, or Excel documents that are utilized in your tests. It helps maintain test data and assets separately.
  • Page objects: In this folder, you define methods that encapsulate your test’s business logic. These methods include Cypress commands that interact with the actual web application, making your tests more modular and maintainable.
  • Screenshots and Videos: Cypress automatically captures screenshots and videos during test execution, providing valuable visual information for debugging.
  • Reports: This folder is created when a Mocha reporter is installed in your project. It’s used to generate test reports, offering insights into the test results.
  • Support file: In this folder, you can create and add custom commands. This is particularly useful when you need to extend Cypress with your own commands that are not available as built-in features. Custom commands can enhance the expressiveness and efficiency of your tests.
Node Modules:

The node modules folder contains all the dependencies required by your Cypress project. These packages are managed through Node.js’s package manager, npm. They include libraries and tools that Cypress needs to function correctly.


The cypress.config.js file is where you can configure various settings for Cypress, such as browser options, base URLs, and other testing-related parameters. You can customize this file to suit your project’s specific requirements.


This file is generated automatically when you install Cypress, and it locks down the specific versions of the dependencies your project uses. It ensures consistency in the dependencies across different environments and ensures that everyone working on the project uses the same versions.


The package.json file contains metadata about your project, such as its name, version, description, and author. It also lists the dependencies needed for your project to function. It’s a fundamental part of Node.js projects and helps manage and install the necessary libraries and tools for your project.

Cypress or Selenium: Which Framework is Better for You?


Cypress is primarily written in JavaScript, allowing you to write automated tests for software products. This framework is specially crafted for modern web applications and specializes in testing applications.

It is a completely independent tool that doesn’t rely on other tools to create tests. Furthermore, Cypress uses JavaScript to create tests, and it doesn’t demand you to be proficient in JavaScript or coding, just basics are enough to get started with Cypress testing.

Feature of Cypress:
  • Simple to install: Cypress is easy to set up because it doesn’t require any external libraries or dependencies. This means you can start with Cypress without any complex configuration.
  • Runs fast: Cypress operates as a browser itself, which makes it faster than many other testing frameworks. It can execute tests efficiently and swiftly.
  • Waits mechanism: Thanks to the automatic waiting feature of Cypress, which doesn’t require you to manually add waits to your tests. Cypress is the best for testing front-end applications built on the latest technologies.
  • Detailed documentation: Cypress community is considerably strong and offers comprehensive official documentation.
  • Readable errors: Error messages in Cypress are in plain English that can be easily understood by non-technical people too. Moreover, the framework visually captures bugs that help you learn what is exactly wrong in the app.


Selenium is an automated end-to-end testing tool that enables you to write tests in any of the major programming languages. The framework also allows you to test the web application on multiple browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, ensuring that the application is free of bugs for production.

Also Read: Top 11 Selenium Alternatives

Feature of Selenium:
  • Supports multiple web browsers: Though Selenium itself is not a browser, it can test the app functionality for various web browsers like Safari, Opera, Chrome, and Edge.
  • Multiple devices: The framework is not just limited to testing web apps; it can also test mobile apps for Android and iOS. it is an open source that attracts developers, testers, and professionals across the globe resulting in a bigger community since 2004.
  • Parallel Testing: With Selenium Grid, you can run multiple tests on multiple machines at the same moment.
  • Portable: Selenium works on almost all the major operating systems and supports various programming languages.
  • A suite of tools: Selenium IDE is so simple that even a non-technical guy can work with it, whereas Selenium WebDriver enables you to create customized tests for complex applications.

Also Read: Cypress vs Selenium

The Wrap-Up:

The choice between Cypress and Selenium depends on your specific testing requirements and your familiarity with JavaScript.

Cypress is an excellent choice for front-end web application testing, especially if you’re looking for a straightforward, user-friendly experience. Selenium is more versatile, capable of testing a wide range of web and mobile applications, and is suitable for those who prefer to work with different programming languages.

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