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Latest UI/UX Design Trends That Will Rule 2024


December 8, 2020


April 17th, 2024

With 2024 approaching, UI/UX trends have made us confident that this design arena has a bright future. The perfect blend of technology and design will produce innovation like never before.

What is UI/UX Design?

“UI is the saddle, the stirrups, & the reins. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse.” – Dain Miller

As the saying goes, the first impression is the last, and a well-created UI/UX design creates this impression. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are two fundamental pillars of good design. These elements are meant to attract and connect users as they visit any website or application. The primary focus of UI/UX is to drive a perfect balance between user satisfaction and the software’s workability.

An effective UI/UX means-

  • Increased conversions and user affinity
  • Effortless user onboarding
  • Happy and loyal users spend more time
  • Competition knowledge gathering
  • Getting noticed in the virtual world


15 Latest UI/UX Design Trends For 2024

  1. Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

    Two big technologies – AI and ML have left no stone unturned in offering the best of their technical superiorities to the design elements. Designers now find it challenging not to embed these qualities in their designs. UI and UX have benefited big time, and the year to come shall witness more of it, thanks to AI and ML.

    Implementing AI and ML techniques has led to the personalization of services, complemented by the automation of many activities. This personalization has enabled a higher conversion ratio and an enhanced user experience.

    Owing to these cutting-edge technologies, users can better connect to the software portal, a website, or a mobile application. This creates high user excitement and encourages them to offer the best business results.

    Leveraging these advancements has helped designers and users use quality time for tasks rather than wasting time over effortless designs and navigations. Data has become crucial for all, offering insightful perceptions and attractive design elements.

  2. The Minimalistic Trend is Taking Over

    UI/UX design trends usually call for simplicity and smartness. Minimalistic UI is in demand today—a look and feel that is not too cluttered with features and designs, simple and easy to understand, and most wanted as a refreshing change to users.

    With technology blending in well with the design, many variations can be offered to users regarding features, information, alerts, data, etc. That sometimes gets too much, and the main essence of the design is lost, and users tend to lose their interest. The trend is towards a minimal approach that offers the most wanted attributes, understanding the user requirements as a primary input.

    Designers now understand that a good design does not imply showing all features simultaneously. The clutter that gets too much creates a sense of negativity for the visitors, which can be removed using this minimalistic UI concept.

    Being minimal does not mean being basic or compromising quality and modern-day features. It means showcasing correct attributes at the right time and designing them appropriately.

  3. Persuasive Storytelling Around Products is Needed Now

    Understanding customer perception, liking, and history does not suffice now. The coming year will need to go a step further—creating persuasive storytelling revolving around the product segment. Since the trend has moved towards content, designers must develop stories around products and showcase them on sites/apps to attract users.

    Compelling storytelling encourages users to connect correctly with the products, enthusiastically purchase them, and offer a transparent picture of their journey on the site. This builds the brand image, making the user feel more involved and satisfied.

  4. Mobile-First Design is the New Normal

    Though Mobile-First Design is not new, it will become the usual way of operating. According to trends, most searches and operations happen on mobile devices. Even Google has developed ‘mobile-first indexing,’ emphasizing the need for a mobile-friendly, responsive design that works across all types of mobile devices.

    For mobile UI/UX designers, designing a mobile-first application is of prime importance. The best app design will work seamlessly across all mobile devices and have responsiveness as a primary feature. The need for responsive designs enriched with good features that function well on mobile interfaces will be much higher.

  5. Utilization of 3D Elements Shall Elevate The Concept of UI/UX Design.

    The basic concept of 3D design has always been attractive, and now, with the UI/UX design elements embedded with the 3D concepts, apps and websites are becoming more exciting. With AI/AR/VR support, the 3D design components shall fit the bill perfectly.

    UI/UX designers are finding ways and means to include 3D components in their projects to attract customers and retain their focus. Such visuals thin the lines between the physical and digital worlds.

    Yes, 3D has its share of challenges—having it perform seamlessly requires fast-acting software that can support such heavy technology. Not preparing for its fusion may leave users complaining about lesser speed and ineffective response. However, the coming year will see designers embedding 3D effectively and newer tools and technologies to help it perform at its best.

  6. AR And VR Shall Continue To Wow Users With Its Magical Features

    AR and VR have been twinning their global achievements in different segments. Gaming was one area that was prominently overshadowed by these technologies. As the new year comes, AR/VR will not remain confined to gaming connections; they will extend their goodness and technical efficacy to many other industrial segments.

    Designers must now consider the seamless integration of AR and VR components in their projects. They must upgrade themselves to embed these components in their UI/UX designs.

    Many huge conglomerates are leveraging multiple AR/VR tools and technologies in their daily work. While designing the UI/UX components for such applications, designers must analyze and work out a detailed plan for integrating these components into the design to work as a unified component. Looking at the way AR/VR is paving their way, there is no looking back for them—and the designers, too!

  7. Voice-based Assistance is Growing in Popularity And Usage

    As design and technology blend closely, the utilization of voice-based technology has increased manifold. Intelligent voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa offer high-quality voice assistance to numerous users, irrespective of being industry-oriented or personal usage.

    Techniques like speech recognition technology, voice-related search, chatbots, and integration of voice assistance with popular apps like Uber and Lyft have proven that the coming year shall see an integration of voice-based techniques with multiple technologies.

    Voice virtual assistance is the key to instantly using applications effectively, searching for information, making notes, etc. Substantial tech giants are leveraging this technology with their tools, including voice chatbots.

  8. The Dark Mode is Selling Like Hot Cakes

    Popular brands like Instagram, Facebook, and Apple have started introducing dark themes as an alternative to users. Dark themes are being preferred at an increasing rate because of their salient features, such as their modern look, battery saving, highlighting design elements, and reduction in eye strain.

    Applications are offering the dark mode as an alternative for users to choose from. Until now, limited applications have offered these options. In the coming year, the dark mode will be embedded into many other applications as a preferred choice by users.

  9. Abstract Data Visualization & Realistic Textures is Grabbing Eyeballs

    The routine set of design elements is still persistent, but the user finds it boresome, and there comes a newer way of looking at data. Abstract data visualization is a new concept that offers data differently. For cutting-edge apps and websites, this works well. The abstract way of showing data attracts users and offers them a refreshing way of looking at data. This mainly works for showing products differently.

    Yet another way of making users keep looking for more is by using realistic textures – gradients, grains, contours, etc. Designers subtly use realistic textures to make the UI/UX look different and attractive. The coming year shall use this more but in a sensitive manner. Overdoing it may cause a reaction opposite to what was sought after. Tools are coming up to texture images – Photoshop and Illustrator are two good names, and more are coming up.

  10. Microcopy And UX Writing Are Garnering More Attention

    The latest idea is microcopying and UX. Microcopying small information or instructional text in different formats like forms, button labels, error messages, tips, popups, etc., acts as an instant associate to users in small ways while surfing the portals.

    Like the current year, Microcopy will provide benefits such as improved branding and dependability, helpful user experience and dedication, demanding user directions, and visual fit to the UX design. An ultimate Microcopy output is crucial to creating an effective UX design and an accurate drive to better sales, business, and visitors/clients. Microcopy is the latest UI/UX development catchword and has a long way to go.

  11. Hand-drawn And Floating Elements Infuse Creativity And Relevance

    Freehand design components are used more to create a different feel for users. These drawings offer a more realistic feel, so users are attracted to them. There is a tad imperfection, but that is what is liked as a different perspective. Designers are now using hand-drawn elements in their portfolios.

    Similarly, floating elements, soft shadows, and layers are in demand. Layering is a new catchphrase in the design industry now. Designers use floating components, soft shadows, and layers to offer their users a lightweight feel and a different view from the traditional design concept.

  12. Logging in Without Passwords is the New Real

    Forgetting passwords was a nightmare for almost all users. The new trend is offering logins without any passwords. This is a crucial UI/UX design trend that is catching up in the market.

    The newer ways to log in are fingerprint access, existing social media accounts, face authentication, pin codes, etc. These techniques are picking up pace, and in 2024, more technologies will crop up to replace entering the manual password.

  13. We look forward to logging in without remembering passwords in the coming year.
  14. Representation Through Videos is Getting Liked More

    Playing videos on apps and sites is becoming more appreciated, and users like the feel of it. Designers will focus more on this aspect in the following years. Videos are a better conveyor of thoughts than text or pictures.

    In any form – motion graphics, animation, GIF, or videos offer a better user experience and thereby increase the customer satisfaction ratio. Embedding videos seamlessly into the design framework will be the designer’s job in the future, ensuring complete security and fast-paced execution.

  15. Cross-platform Designs Shall Brighten the Design Era

    Since cross-platform development best uses progressive frameworks and modern-day tools, it is ideal for designing apps and websites. It effectively outputs different devices, such as mobile, web, and desktop, from a unified codebase.

    Code reusability is one significant aspect of the technology that designers are adopting. It helps them cover up on time and maintain thorough consistency. Designers make the most of multi-device support and design in a way that works best for all types of infrastructure. Cross-platform design is one big trend showing a promising future in the coming year.

  16. Ethical Design is Being Adapted Increasingly

    Blending ethics in the design concept is the latest trend. Rather than just looking at what the customer will like, ethical design is more about what is suitable for the customer and what will make the customer feel more wanted. Designers nowadays prefer ethical design by offering maximum input to users directly without bothering them with continuous data entry or input.

    The ethical design strikes an outstanding balance between business and user requirements. It attempts to obtain all needed information from the users without troubling them too much and simultaneously ensures that the business does not suffer a bit.

As We Welcome 2024 With The Latest Trends in UI/UX

Tech stalwart Steve Jobs was so right when he said –

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

2024 will focus hard on UI/UX development, emphasizing the importance of good design in any IT project. It is worthwhile to see how technology blends its upcoming advancements into designing to bring out results that humankind will enjoy.

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