Parameters Next.js Gatsby
Overview A server-side rendering tool that lets users decide everything. It uses customizing extension plug-ins for an enhanced experience. It is an opinionated tool that tells you how to manage data. It uses themes, extensions, and plug-ins to offer an enhanced experience.
Application Size Medium, large, or enterprise-sized applications wherein data is updated often Small or personal-sized applications where data is not updated often
Use Cases eCommerce/Finance web applications, Web apps/portals with personalization, applications with user authentication and interactions, client-side rendered applications, large multi-user websites, SaaS and B2B websites Static content websites, blog websites, marketing websites, company websites, static landing pages, progressive web applications, secure websites, portfolio websites, documentation websites, headless CMS-compatible websites
Deferred Rending Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) Deferred Static Generation (DSG)
Data Handling Data may be obtained using any medium, developers can manage data how they want, and a backend is needed to provide data. It uses GraphQL to get data, allows developers to fetch the data they need with a rich collection of plug-ins, and depends on APIs and third parties for data.
Content Management System Fetching data from CMS is a little tricky since it does not have a well-developed plug-in ecosystem. Easy connect, update, and edit to CMS through a variety of plug-ins
Plug-in Ecosystem No Yes
Support for Rendering Supports static and dynamic rendering, renders pages via SSR usage Supports static rendering, generates HTML pages during the build time with SSG
 File Storage Requires server deployment Makes use of CDN
Generates HTML/JS/CSS at runtime Generates HTML/JS/CSS at build time
Requirement of Server It needs a server for its functioning It can run even in the absence of a server
Extensibility Features tools and libraries with various features such as page routing, code splitting, and image optimization. It has a comprehensive set of tools and plug-ins that can be used to extend functionalities with pre-configured themes, TypeScript compilers, compressed images, etc.
Scalability A perfect framework for enterprise use Perfect for static web pages and small-sized apps
Data Security need to set servers up with databases, maintenance, etc., for infrastructure Assists developers to create fast web apps by simply prerendering on a build and using a CDN
GraphQL Support Next doesn’t push GraphQL, so developers have a bit more flexibility Since Gatsby is built on GraphQL, data fetching happens through GraphQL queries