Parameters Spring MVC Spring Boot
Framework Type Spring MVC is a part of the broader Spring Framework, which provides a wide range of components for various purposes. Spring Boot is a framework built on top of the Spring Framework with a focus on rapid application development.
Configuration Configuration is explicit, often requiring XML or Java-based configuration files. Embraces convention over configuration but allows for customizations through properties files or Java code.
Project Setup Developers must set up the project structure and configure components manually. Easier to learn and suitable for both newcomers and experienced Spring developers.
Server Configuration Manual configuration of the servlet container (e.g., Tomcat) is typically required Project setup is streamlined, thanks to opinionated defaults and a predefined project structure.
Dependency Management Developers need to manage project dependencies explicitly. Includes embedded servlet containers, eliminating manual server configuration.
Flexibility Spring MVC doesn’t prescribe any particular project structure, giving developers the freedom to organize their code as they see fit. Simplifies dependency management with Spring Boot Starter dependencies and auto-configuration.
Learning Curve Due to its configurational nature, Spring MVC can have a steeper learning curve for newcomers to the Spring ecosystem. Ideal for projects with straightforward requirements but may have limitations for highly customized applications.
Primary Feature The primary feature of the Spring Framework is dependency injection. The primary feature of Spring Boot is Autoconfiguration. It automatically configures the classes based on the requirement.
Server For testing the Spring project, it’s necessary to explicitly configure the server. Spring Boot provides embedded server like Tomcat, Jetty, etc.
Use Case It is well-suited for projects with complex configurations, specific customization requirements, or where fine-grained control over components is essential. It is ideal for rapid application development, prototyping, and projects with standard configurations. It is particularly useful for microservices and containerized applications.