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Top 15 Backend Frameworks Apt for Web App Development


July 12, 2023


March 21st, 2024

Top Backend Frameworks for Web Development

Backend frameworks are essential in offering optimal solutions as web application development expands.

They play a leading role in creating and implementing web applications in a timely and effective manner because they offer developers the appropriate tools and techniques to manage activities like database management, server configuration, routing, etc.

Leveraging the most popular backend frameworks can offer API route creation and communication, data processing and database integration, enhanced user experience, better server-side code efficacy, rapid prototyping, scalability, agile business model, user authentication, and an advanced client-focused approach. They keep the entire software environment in synchronization.

The backend tools, frameworks, and libraries are changing with the fast-moving technology landscape. Businesses must stay abreast of the trends, and choosing the ideal backend framework plays a pivotal role.

This article reveals the salient features of the most popular backend frameworks today, which will surely see a bright tomorrow.

What are Backend Frameworks?

Backend frameworks are robust tools, components, and libraries of server-side languages, ideal for supporting a website’s backend and creating dynamic web applications.

They are server-side frameworks that make web development easier and faster, automating the different steps of web app development.

Developers can easily leverage preexisting structures, tools, and modules instead of writing each line of code in different languages. They can now easily create an application’s logic and functionality since these frameworks help developers control its actions.

Critical Benefits of Backend Frameworks:

  • Lesser coding and more productivity
  • Inbuilt features with more security
  • Scalability, flexibility, performance
  • Reduced development costs
  • Well documented with significant community support
  • Simplified integration

15 Backend Frameworks That Are Popular

  • Laravel
  • Node.js
  • ASP .NET Core
  • Fiber
  • Phoenix
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Django
  • Spring Boot
  • Flask
  • Express.js
  • Meteor.js
  • AppMaster
  • Koa
  • Next.js
  • CakePHP

#1. Laravel

Laravel is a flexible open-source PHP web framework that Laravel developers can leverage to create web applications with elegant syntax and faster development practices owing to minimal coding.

As a popular backend framework, it has more to it, simplifying it for the developer and the business. It is based on the MVC architecture and is highly cost—and time-effective.

Salient Features of Laravel:

  • Traffic handling
  • Highly secure and flexible
  • MVC architecture
  • Easy third-party integration
  • Simple unit testing

#2. Node.js

NodeJS is one of the most favored technologies for top-leading companies today and has carved a niche. It offers high-quality and effective JavaScript coding, attending to both the front and back end.

It is a leading JavaScript framework that writes JS on the client and server sides and assists in implementing scalable network apps.

It is event-driven, asynchronous, light-weighted, effective, and goes by a non-blocking process. The server-side runtime is a real-time JavaScript application that operates across operating systems.

Salient Features of Node.js:

  • Scalability and performance
  • Mobile And developer-friendly platform
  • Fast and reliable
  • Multi-user real-time web applications
  • Low development cost

#3. ASP .NET Core

Developed by Microsoft, .NET is a software development backend framework that adopts a variety of coding languages, including F#, C#, and Visual Basic. Developers leverage ASP.NET Core as a simplistic, powerful, and advanced framework for developing maintainable, scalable, and performant web applications with a single codebase.

It creates apps for multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, and macOS as a cross-platform framework.

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Salient Features of ASP .Net Core:

  • Optimized for scalability and performance
  • Deployable to major cloud platforms
  • Modular architecture for maintainability
  • Enhances security features like inbuilt authorization, authentication, etc.
  • Great caching system

#4. Fiber

Fiber is a known backend framework, especially for Golang developers, developed on Fasthttp, the fastest HTTP engine. It is a powerful and slim framework that offers excellent scalability in changing user requirements as and when needed.

It offers easy integration with third-party libraries and consumes less memory, with fast backend development.

Salient Features of Fiber:

  • Supports simple routing
  • Creates REST APIs
  • Static files with a custom prefix
  • Fast performance with low memory usage
  • Support for significant template engines

#5. Phoenix

Phoenix is a popular, open-source backend web framework written in Elixir and Erlang. It is ideal for creating web applications quickly and easily. It also supports real-time client communication through WebSocket.

Its backend functionalities are effective for all types of web apps. It is concurrent and provides a competency to execute multiple processes together.

Salient Features of Phoenix:

  • Built on Elixir, known for speed and scalability
  • It makes use of Erlang VM, known for fault tolerance and reliability
  • Inbuilt and dedicated testing framework
  • Low memory footprint
  • Real-time elements with enabled authentication

#6. Ruby on Rails:

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a popular backend framework, MVC, and web application framework written in Ruby. It provides default structures for web applications, web servers, and databases. It optimally uses web standards like XML or JSON for transmitting data and HTML and CSS for UI and styling. It offers full-stack competencies with easy utilization and has been a developer’s delight.

Salient Features of RoR:

  • Flexible, adaptable, scalable
  • Promotes usage of HTML, CSS, JS, JSON
  • Adheres to software patterns like DRY, COC, etc.
  • Support from multiple tools and libraries
  • Modular architecture with inbuilt testing functionalities

#7. Django

Django is an open-source, high-level Python-based web framework that uses an MVC architecture, separating the application logic, presentation, and data layers into different components. It offers smooth development of web apps with minimum boilerplate code and focuses hard on simplicity, speed, and ease of usage. It makes the best use of proper guidelines, which helps novices learn the framework faster and more effectively.

Salient Features of Django:

  • It needs less code and is easy to learn
  • It goes by the DRY principle – write once, use multiple times
  • Renders HTML templates
  • Writes and executes tests
  • Connects well to other databases

An Interesting Read: Django vs Laravel: Two Prominent Web Frameworks Being Evaluated

#8. Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a leading open-source, Java-based web framework known for creating enterprise-level, stand-alone applications with clean and modular code. It is apt because it is extensible, modular, robust, and easily integrates with other frameworks. It is created on the Spring framework that empowers developers to build robust applications with the most minor coding.

Salient Features of Spring Boot:

  • Light weighted, modular, flexible
  • Fast and secure authentication and authorization
  • Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Dependency Injection
  • Less time spent in the configuration of the framework
  • Effective management of meticulous tasks

#9. Flask

Flask is a lightweight, small-scale backend framework developed using Python. Developers find it easy to build web apps by handling HTTP requests and responses in Python. Because of its microservices architecture, it is scalable and customizable and gels well with other libraries and tools. Since it is a WSGI framework, it executes the web server instead of the user’s browser.

Salient Features Flask:

  • URL routing and profiling web apps
  • Inbuilt web server for debugging
  • HTTP request handling
  • Fast to set up and start app creation
  • Incorporates third-party extensions

#10. Express.js

Express.js is a leading backend framework and a minimalistic Node.js web app framework that is flexible and lightweight. It is ideal for creating server-side applications and RESTful APIs. Express.js is an integral component of the MEAN stack and is preferred for making online applications. It has a robust routing mechanism, multiple HTTP utility methods, and middleware support for request and response handling.

Salient Features Express.js:

  • Makes the best use of full-stack JavaScript features
  • Offers high-end performance and easy-to-use
  • Great community support
  • Easy integration with third-party libraries
  • Robust toolset for error handling and debugging

#11. Meteor.js

Meteor.js is an open-source, mature backend framework that facilitates the creation of web, iOS, Android, and desktop applications with ease and scalability so that they can reach multiple users. It is written using Node.js and can create applications using JavaScript or TypeScript. It is famous for facilitating rapid prototyping and creating cross-platform code.

Salient Features of Meteor.js:

  • Simple, effective, and flexible coding
  • Cross-platform compatibility with uniform code usage
  • Strong community support and extensive documentation
  • Reactive templates and automatic CSS
  • Custom Package Manager

#12. AppMaster

AppMaster is a known no-code platform considered one of the best backend frameworks for creating production-based applications like web applications, admin panels, customer portals, process automation, bots, robots, IoT applications, etc. It offers an actual AI-generated backend and visual editing tools. Apart from that, there is not much code involved.

Salient Features of AppMaster:

  • Fit for novices as no coding is needed
  • Fasten and ease out work with process automation
  • Automatic generation of source code
  • Enhanced features that assist in the implementation
  • Powerful visual editing tools

#13. Koa

Koa is designed to be a web-based framework that is expressive and light in weight. It has a robust foundation for web applications and APIs.

It uses modern-day JavaScript features that encourage developers to write middleware sophisticatedly.

It offers a simple, modern way to manage HTTP requests and responses. It has a concise and clean code structure that is easily readable and maintainable.

Salient Features Koa:

  • High-end performance
  • Support for asynchronous code
  • Enhanced error handling
  • Seamless third-party integration
  • Easy code reusability across projects

#14. Next.js

Next.js is an open-source React backend framework that offers server-side rendering and built-in CSS support. It splits code automatically into smaller chunks that can be managed individually.

It helps create full-stack web apps with increased page loading speed and enhanced user experience. It develops enriched web applications that can load faster and are SEO-friendly.

Salient Features of Next.js:

  • Hot reloading feature
  • Inbuilt routing and static site generation
  • Serverless functions
  • Advanced pre-rendering capabilities
  • Ideal for creating a minimally viable product (MVP)

#15. CakePHP

CakePHP is a rapid development framework that simplifies custom web development through its MVC architecture. It is a robust and scalable framework apt for novices and experts alike. Developers need to have experience with PHP to develop web applications quickly. It implements software principles like an active record, front controller, etc.

Salient Features of CakePHP:

  • Needs minimal configuration
  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM
  • Inbuilt tools and plug-ins for security features
  • Powerful routing system
  • Inbuilt templating and caching support

Backend Development Services That Meet Your Needs

As We Wind Up:

When choosing the best backend frameworks, certain important factors must be considered. Some of the major ones are the learning curve involved, the availability of documentation and community support, flexibility in library access, security features and frequency of updates, and competency to scale as needed.

As you scan through the list of backend frameworks mentioned above, you will now know the characteristics and salient features of each one. This information will help you decide which one to choose for your project. You can even reach out to an experienced panel of software specialists who can analyze your business requirements and suggest the right technology for your organization.

SPEC INDIA has a pool of backend developers for hire who are ready to meet your development needs. Our backend development experts are apt to build feature-rich, scalable, and easy-to-use backend solutions.

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