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Top 10 Mobile App Development trends to keep an eye on in 2024


November 9, 2020


June 3rd, 2024

Mobile App Development Trends 2024

Mobile app development is an ever-evolving field, with new trends emerging yearly. As we step into 2024, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest mobile app technology trends to create innovative and user-friendly apps.

“Mobile is becoming not only the new digital hub but also the bridge to the physical world.” – Thomas Husson.

In 2021, the number of mobile users worldwide stood at 7.1 billion, with forecasts suggesting this is likely to rise to 7.26 billion by 2022. In 2025, the number of mobile users worldwide is projected to reach 7.49 billion. ( Source – Statista )

This staggering figure highlights the immense potential and demand for mobile apps. To stay ahead in this competitive landscape, you must know the latest trends and technologies driving innovation in the mobile app industry.

The mobile world engulfs us all. Statistics explicitly show the increasing number of mobile users worldwide, who are the future of mobile apps.

With the growing number of mobile users, the number of people using mobile apps in their day-to-day living is also increasing significantly.

Certain technologies were trending last year and will continue this year when we talk about mobile apps. However, these technologies display newer intricacies and developments that show mobile apps in a new light each year.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top 2024 mobile app development trends shaping the future of mobile applications.

From artificial intelligence and machine learning to augmented reality and blockchain, these trends are revolutionizing how we interact with our devices and the world around us. They are the future of mobile apps in almost every industry sector.

So, let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of mobile app development!

Mobile App Development Trends and Statistics

According to Statista revenue in most segments will rise in the coming years. It will reach approximately 613 billion U.S. dollars by 2025. (Source-Statista)

Revenue of mobile apps worldwide

Among all types of apps, gaming apps will gain a significant share in the market.

The global mobile application market size was valued at USD 228.98 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.3% from 2024 to 2030. (Source- Grand View research)

There are 6.63 million apps on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Now, you can see how competitive and challenging it is to make your app stand out.

The mobile app industry is developing at a dizzying rate. To prosper in this age of digital Darwinism, you need to familiarize yourself with the evolving trends in mobile app development.

Ready to future-proof your app?

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you stay ahead of the curve

Importance of Staying Updated with the Latest Mobile App Trends

In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, staying updated with the latest trends is not just a choice but a necessity.

The mobile app development trends are constantly evolving, and developers who fail to keep up with the latest trends risk falling behind their competitors.

Here are some reasons why staying updated with the latest trends is crucial for mobile app developers:

Global Mobile App Market Statistics

1. Enhanced User Experience

User experience (UX) is a critical factor in the success of any mobile app.

With proper market knowledge, you can incorporate new features and design elements that enhance the overall user experience.

This could include implementing new navigation patterns, optimizing app performance, or integrating new technologies like augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR).

2. Competitive Advantage

In a crowded marketplace, having a competitive advantage can make all the difference.

You can create apps that stand out from the competition by watching the latest trends.

Whether offering unique features or leveraging emerging technologies, staying ahead of the curve can help developers attract more users and gain a competitive edge.

3. Access to New Technologies

The mobile app development landscape constantly evolves, with new technologies always emerging.

By staying updated with the latest mobile app industry trends, developers can gain access to these new technologies and incorporate them into their apps.

It involves technologies like machine learning, blockchain, or the Internet of Things (IoT), which can add new functionalities and capabilities to mobile apps.

4. Improved Security

Security is a top concern for mobile app developers, as users expect their data to be protected.

You can avoid potential security threats and vulnerabilities by implementing advanced security features in the app.

Implementing new security protocols, staying informed about the latest security best practices, or using new tools and technologies to enhance app security comes under it.

5. Better Performance

Performance is another critical factor when you build a mobile app for a particular niche.

You can optimize your apps for better performance by regularly following the growing mobile app industry trends.

This could include improving app load times, reducing app size, or optimizing app code for better efficiency.

By focusing on performance, developers can create faster, more responsive, and more enjoyable apps.

Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2024

Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends

Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives in the ever-evolving world of technology.

From ordering food to managing finances, there’s an app for almost everything.

As we enter a new year, it’s time to examine the trends shaping the future of mobile app development.

Let’s discuss some of the biggest mobile app development trends shaping the future of mobile apps.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

  • AI and ML are revolutionizing the mobile app industry by enabling apps to learn from user behavior and provide personalized experiences.
  • In 2024, we expect to see more apps integrating AI and ML algorithms for enhanced user engagement and predictive analytics.
  • AI and ML algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, which allow apps to provide personalized recommendations and suggestions.
  • For example, an e-commerce app can use AI to analyze user’s browsing and purchase history and recommend the products that best match their preferences.

According to Grand View Research, using technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning in mobile applications all point to future growth in demand for mobile applications (apps).

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

  • Secondly, AR and VR technologies are gaining massive popularity in the mobile app industry, and trends are shaping the world.
  • AR and VR offer immersive experiences in the gaming, education, and retail industry.
  • They enhance user engagement by providing immersive experiences beyond traditional 2D interfaces.
  • In the future, we’ll see more apps leveraging AR and VR to create interactive and engaging user experiences.
  • For example, a furniture retailer can use AR to allow users to visualize how a piece of furniture would look in their home before making a purchase.
  • Similarly, a clothing store can use AR to allow users to check whether a particular dress suits their body structure. AR and VR can also predict AR, and VR can check how a customer will look in a dress.

In 2022, app engagement experienced an increase of only three percent year-over-year, while between 2019 and 2022, the time spent using mobile apps for global users increased by approximately 46 percent. (Source-Statista)

Internet of Things (IoT)

  • IoT involves connecting devices that help communicate with each other. It is among the top mobile app technology trends shaping the future of various industry verticals.
  • It has led to the development of smart homes, wearables, and connected cars.
  • IoT-enabled apps can automate tasks and provide real-time data insights.
  • In upcoming years, we’ll see more IoT-enabled apps in different industry verticals that enhance convenience and efficiency in various aspects of life.
  • For example, a smart home app can use IoT to remotely control lights, thermostats, and security systems, providing users greater control over their home environment.

Interesting ReadTop IoT Trends Transforming the Future

Mobile Entertainment & Gaming

the future of mobile entertainment and gaming apps looks bright. We expect to see even more immersive and interactive experiences as technology advances. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are already making waves in the gaming industry, and we can expect to see more games that take advantage of these technologies in the future.

Additionally, we expect more console-quality games on mobile platforms as mobile devices become more powerful. With the increasing popularity of cloud gaming services, players can access high-quality games on their mobile devices without expensive hardware.

The gaming application segment of the mobile application market held the largest revenue share of more than 34.0% in 2023. (Source – Grand View research)

Global mobile application market

Mobile entertainment and gaming apps are on the rise due to:

Widespread availability of smartphones and tablets, making access easier.

Development of high-quality graphics and immersive gameplay.

The rise of social media and online communities fosters a sense of community among gamers.

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Voice User Interface (VUI)

  • VUI allows users to interact with apps using voice commands, making it easier to perform tasks hands-free.
  • A significant boost has been seen in the apps that integrate VUI to improve accessibility and convenience.
  • VUI can improve accessibility for users with disabilities and provide a more natural and intuitive way to interact with apps.
  • For example, a navigation app can use VUI to provide turn-by-turn directions. It allows users to keep their eyes on the road while driving.
  • VUI is one of the most important mobile app technology trends as it reduces the user’s effort when understanding any feature or tool. It’s like things working at your command.

5G Technology

  • 5G is the future of mobile apps, whether we talk about new apps or apps already struggling in the market.
  • The rollout of 5G technology will enable faster data speeds and lower latency, which opens up new possibilities for mobile app development.
  • In 2024, more apps will leverage 5G to deliver high-quality streaming, gaming, and AR/VR experiences.
  • 5G technology can enable apps to deliver high-quality streaming and gaming experiences, even in crowded areas with high network traffic.
  • 5G is among the top mobile app industry trends, and it has a significant market share in various sectors where internet speed is a must.
  • For example, a video streaming app can use 5G to deliver high-definition video content without buffering or lag.

 5G device subscriptions in the USA Data

With networks expanding and users jumping on, 5G device subscriptions in the US will grow to 290.5 million by the end of our forecast period in 2026. (Source – Insider intelligence)

  • 5G would be 100 times faster than 4G. 
  • Video streaming apps will significantly improve with increased resolution, reduced latency, and better speed.  
  • 5G will make the integration of AR and VR into apps easier, which will help developers implement them quickly. 
  • There will be faster and more seamless data transfer between gadgets and cell phones.  
  • Developers can build mobile apps by integrating new features with 5G without adversely affecting the functionality. Isn’t that great? 

Blockchain Technology 

  • In the future, we’ll see more apps integrating blockchain for enhanced security and trust. 
  • Blockchain technology offers secure and transparent transactions, making it ideal for people in finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.  
  • Blockchain can improve security and trust by providing a tamper-proof and transparent record of transactions.  
  • For example, a healthcare app can use blockchain to securely store and share patient records, ensuring privacy and data integrity. 

Mobile wallets are the most popular type of blockchain wallet, with over 70 million of them in use. These statistics also demonstrate the sharp rise in the number of users of blockchain wallets. (Source-Statista)

Edge Computing 

  • Edge computing brings computation and data storage closer to the source of data generation, reducing latency and improving performance.  
  • In 2024, we’ll see more apps leveraging edge computing for faster response times and enhanced user experiences. 
  • Edge computing can improve performance and reduce latency by processing data closer to the user, reducing the need to send data back and forth to a centralized server.  
  • For example, a gaming app can use edge computing to reduce lag and provide a smoother gaming experience. 

Read More – Top Mobile App Development Tools to Create Optimal Apps 

Beacons Will Increasingly Be Leveraged for Mobile Apps 

Beacons are the latest devices today, and they have proven their worth across the globe. The coming year shall see more integration of Beacon application development with mobile apps. As is, the most modern-day mobile app offers seamless integration with beacons. Industries like retail, hotel industry, etc., promote proximity marketing to a large extent.  

These industries have flourished due to the successful implementation of mobile apps that showcase beacon-based features, and the list of domains is increasing.  

With their location-based capabilities, Beacons continue working as indoor positioning systems with Bluetooth signals. This offers personalized customer service, client satisfaction, and increased revenue for the business. Beacons will continue to provide much more to industry segments and clients alike. 

 According to Fortune Business Insights, the beacon market is exhibiting a CAGR of 48.9% and is predicted to reach USD 31.61 billion by 2026. As a result, app development businesses are using this technology to create apps for various industries, including real estate, healthcare, and retail.  

Statista studies indicate that the market for beacon technology is expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 59.8%. Its estimated value will increase by $56.6 billion by 2026. 


  • Today, with the increasing number of cyber threats, cybersecurity is a top priority for mobile app developers.  
  • Cybersecurity measures can include encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits to identify and patch vulnerabilities.  
  • More apps will implement robust security measures to protect user data and privacy in the upcoming years. 
  • For example, a banking app can use encryption to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. 

eCommerce, Mobile Wallets, and Wearable Devices Would Be More In Demand 

  • eCommerce is becoming the new standard now, with mobile devices catering to online retail shopping, contactless payment options, and integration with wearable devices.  
  • With the pandemic showing its power, many people around the globe have opted to shop online and use different payment options.  
  • The need for such mobile apps has increased, and almost all retail business owners are looking for mobile apps with these features. 
  • Wearable devices have also increased in usage, with more affordable wear products coming into the market.  
  • The wearable market is providing a big boom to the eCommerce market and shall continue to do so in the coming year. 

Statista said the number of connected wearable devices worldwide increased substantially between 2019 and 2022. In 2022, this number reached around 1.1 billion, up from 929 million recorded one year before. 

Sales of smartwatches are primarily powering growth within the wearable devices market – shipments of smartwatches worldwide are forecast to surpass 400 million in 2026 

Read More – How Much Does It Cost to Build a Mobile App In 2024

Final Thoughts 

Staying updated with the latest trends is essential for mobile app developers.  

Today, if you want to survive in the market, you must keep a keen eye on the latest mobile app technology trends that are gaining users’ attention. 

By doing so, developers can enhance user experience and gain a competitive advantage. The latest mobile app development trends discussed above are the future of mobile apps for all industry verticals. 

As a custom mobile app development company, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that meet the needs of our clients. Whether you’re looking to create a new app or enhance an existing one, we have the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life.  

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals. 

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