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Top IoT Trends Transforming Future of IoT in 2024


February 4, 2022


March 7th, 2024

Category Blog, IOT

“The IoT is big news because it ups the ante: ‘Reach out and touch somebody’ is becoming ‘Reach out and touch everything’.” – Parker Trewin

Spreading like wildfire, the Internet of Things (IoT) is now a household name, be it in our homes, offices, or industry segments. With the growth of technology, newer ways and means are being implemented all over, connecting devices, sensors, networks, and human interfaces seamlessly through IoT. The future of IoT is bright and happening!

As 2024 begins, there are exciting IoT trends that are being observed. The number of IoT devices connecting the world is increasing rapidly and the IoT space is widening its boundaries.

It has been estimated that the number of IoT-connected devices worldwide would increase from 10.07 billion (2021) to 25.4 billion in 2030

Source: statista.com

Before we enjoy reading the Internet of Things latest trends, let us quickly glance through the fundamentals of IoT.

What is Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of things (IoT) describes physical objects (or groups of such objects) that are embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks. – Wikipedia

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, devices, and software to connect and exchange data with other systems over the net. It is a system of interconnected computing devices, machines, and human beings. It talks about the multitude of physical devices around the globe that are connected through the net.

The devices that are utilized for connection and exchange of information could be routine household things or sophisticated industrial instruments. It emphasizes the power of the Internet to move beyond simply providing connectivity to phones and computers. It will now include offering its services to processes, humans, things, and environments.

Automatic cooking through smart microwaves, self-driving cars, measurement of heartbeats, and the number of daily steps through smart wearables and fitness devices, connected footballs, etc. are some of the evident usages of IoT. Implementing IoT emphasizes the usage of technologies like cloud computing, low-cost and low-power sensors, machine learning, conversational AI, etc.

Key Features

  • Smart and intelligent analytics
  • Communication and data flows
  • Automation of activities and decisions
  • Ecosystem community / Internet of Everything
  • Sensing and connectivity
  • Scalability and active engagements
  • Increased security


10 IoT Trends Defining The Future of IoT

  1. Focus on IoT Cybersecurity

    As we already know there is no rose without thorns; on a similar note, the advancement of IoT has its share of hurdles that must be managed. Cybersecurity is a big focus area that needs utmost attention and has been a trending area recently. As an increasing number of people and industries access IoT data over the network, keeping it secure and confidential is vital. It could be done by having a default password setting for all involved devices and sensors. The way it is being utilized; people are not aware of the security norms that must be preserved.

    The routine cybersecurity norms may no longer hold sufficient to protect the entire infrastructure. Specialized rules, regulations, tools, and processes must be defined and that is what will trend this year, about IoT. With more cyberattacks, DDOS, and malicious crimes taking place, appropriate measures to counterattack them will come into the limelight. Even protection of the small devices, sensors, and things that are involved in the entire IoT setup is important and will be realized even more, with the passing year.

  2. 5G Driven IoT Prospects

    The power of 5G connectivity is already in vogue and it will affect the implementation of IoT in a big way. It will open more opportunities for IoT-driven devices and technologies. Since hyperconnectivity and low latency are needed for an effective IoT implementation, 5G will turn out to be beneficial. 5G will help in garnering increased flexibility, mobility, reliability, and security. It will offer the best of both – wire-based security and performance with the flexibility of wireless technology.

    5G will help big time in distributing smaller sensors and devices to a wider spectrum ensuring a good return in terms of valuable information. With IoT spreading to faraway places, it is now easy to implement IoT-based technologies in rural areas and remote places. Communication and collaboration between IoT sensors and devices will be much more effective and easier than before. There will be faster data transfer mechanisms with worldwide Internet coverage and maximum energy effectiveness. Of course, 5G will have its chunk of cybersecurity challenges which will have to be catered to, along with IoT-driven security challenges.

  3. Off-the-Shelf IoT Solutions For The Enterprise

    IoT is attractive to all – big and small. Till now, there were some fixed IoT solutions available for all, with less flexibility and customization. As the demand is growing, the need for having tailormade solutions is increasing. The market is hinting towards a flexible mode of operation wherein the enterprise can choose the type of IoT solution they need, along with needed collaborations and tie-ups with sensors and devices. These user-friendly applications will possess operational workflows and embedded analytics that will be totally for the enterprise, catering to their requirements.

    As the trend changes, IoT moves towards the enterprise and different industry segments in the form of off-the-shelf solutions with inbuilt connectivity and analytical competencies. This year shall witness more IoT bundled solutions that will be tailor-made for the organization. Enterprises will look forward to adopting IoT-driven solutions that are made especially for them and catering to their workflows, rather than adapting the predefined models.

  4. Edge IoT

    Edge computing and IoT gel well with each other. It ensures the creation of devices with analytical competencies so that the computing takes place near the data source. The edge devices utilize smart sensors with their unique capabilities to capture information. This ensures faster analysis and lesser network congestion. It also ensures enhanced security of the information since the data is accessed more at the user’s end rather than being available to all. Smaller sensors and devices will hold more capability of offering better analytics and processing.

    As 2024 proceeds, the organizations shall witness more hybrid cloud computing offering IoT solutions and services with edge computing as an integral component of the entire solution. There will be faster delivery, smarter insights, and secure processing of information. Data processing will happen in the cloud keeping the IoT devices away from the data collected by devices and sensors. Major functionalities will shift to the edge of the network to lessen latency and increase automated decision-making. This is beneficial for time-critical applications like self-driving vehicles etc.

  5. AI-Driven IoT (AIoT)

    Artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) combines the power of AI technologies with IoT devices and sensors, to offer effective IoT operations and increased data analytics. It easily interprets the machine-to-machine and human-to-machine interaction, in a real-time manner. There is more of privacy and security of information with real-time intelligence available as an output. This ensures less information is stored on the cloud setup.

    AIoT is a growing concept, and the year shall witness more usage of the same. Since they are based on intelligence, the devices will be more proactive than reactive and hence will ensure faster and more effective processing. There will be more scalability available with this lethal combination of the two leading technologies – AI and IoT. This convergence will also redefine the future of industrial automation and will play as a catalyst in the Industry 4.0 revolution.

  6. Internet of Things as a Service (IoTaaS)

    As the name suggests, the Internet of Things is now being treated as a Service in itself. With the implementation of IoT as a Service, organizations can have multiple prototype cycles, faster go-to-market time, lesser operational costs, and high-end scalability to accommodate multiple devices in a single go. IoTaaS offers multiple APIs to a variety of devices and sensors that can avail real-time information with valuable insights.

    There will be a variety of platforms that will be accessible to organizations with IoT-based setups barring the requirement of skilled expertise. Deploying and managing their own connected devices will be easy for enterprises themselves, without having to depend much on external resources. Services like advanced automation, and predictive maintenance will be easier, and businesses will be able to incur increased revenues due to the benefits availed by implementing IoTaaS.

  7. Increased Adoption Of IoT In Healthcare Segment

    The healthcare industry has been a revolutionizing one when it comes to adopting newer technologies and processes. IoT has been on the list for a long time now and the year shall see more IoT-driven technologies, being implemented by the healthcare industry. A variety of novel implementations like wearable devices and sensors, tracking units, indoor navigation units, lighting systems with health monitors, telemedicine, better heart rate monitoring, and oxygen monitoring are a part of the modern-day healthcare system.

    The interconnected devices and sensors are helping doctors and patients to collaborate on a better level, accumulating data that is needed for further processing and promoting the usage of telemedicine. IoT technology is getting embedded into healthcare-related physical instruments like wheelchairs, oxygen pumps, etc. to understand the patient’s condition and vital parameters. The ample data that is collected through these devices will help stakeholders in taking the best decisions.

  8. Enhanced Integration Of IoT With Wearables

    Wearables are now an integral part of our lives and to add to the fun, comes its close integration with IoT devices and sensors. These wearable devices connect us all to the IoT via different wearables like smartwatches, fitness trackers, VR headsets, etc. The year shall witness increased integration of two powerful technologies – IoT and wearable technology. The new trends are showing more usage of smartwatches, VR headsets, etc. merging well with IoT devices for better data capture and analytics. The IoT wearable medical devices are best used for remote monitoring of health parameters and other warning signs.

    Lifestyle and fitness organizations are making the best use of these wearable devices for monitoring a variety of health and wellness parameters. Better tracking and monitoring of fitness activities, health bulletins, etc. is done with the help of IoT data collected from different sensors and devices. There is better visibility, connection, and enhanced service quality for patients.

  9. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), as the name suggests, is the implementation of IoT in the industrial applications and business sectors. It has detailed impacts on all areas of business starting from manufacturing to maintenance and client support. IoT has been penetrating big time in each area of business and industrial operations. This has led to many advantages like automation of mundane procedures through robotics and IoT devices and sensors.

    Many industrial processes like the prediction of time for maintenance of units, performance measurement, etc. are done easily through IoT devices. Data can be better analyzed and worked upon, through the collection of information with IIoT. User experience can be personalized, security can be enhanced, competencies of third-party systems can be managed well, and communication between stakeholders can be bettered – these are some of the many benefits that this year shall witness, with the increasing implementation of Industrial IoT.

  10. Increased Usage of Blockchain Technology

    IoT data with Blockchain is instrumental in revolutionizing your business by sending IoT information to a blockchain ledger for better security and responsibility. Blockchain can assist bigtime in offering the security of data in IoT sensors and devices. It helps in having smooth communication between different network records with a secure infrastructure, which makes it ideal for IoT applications.

    IoT has been empowering devices across the network to send data to blockchain networks and thereby make different records of transactions. This enables distributed management with the least need for centralized control. All transactions can be checked for issues in their network setup. This creates trust in the IoT data, brings in more flexibility, adds more security, and enhances the efficacy level to a large extent.

As The Future Scope of IoT Widens

The recent trends in IoT and the rising popularity of IoT app development are good enough to showcase the usage of this technology, worldwide. Newer and innovative trends are being witnessed and we, on a personal and professional level, are leveraging the benefits of this wonderful technology. The latest IoT trends that are listed above offer a glimpse into the power of IoT and its heavy influence on our lives.

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