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Top 12 Backend Technologies To Look For In 2024


December 21, 2021


March 26th, 2024

For any advanced technology or software application to succeed, there are two key players – frontend and backend. The front end looks after the user experience, and the back end offers the facility for the application to function seamlessly. The backend technologies form the foundation of your application, and selecting the appropriate framework is vital to a project’s success.

This article focuses on the trending backend technologies list that gained momentum in 2023 and will continue to reign in 2024. Before we look at those, let’s define backend development.

What Is Backend Development?

Backend development refers to server-side development, which involves libraries that assist in creating websites’ server configurations. The users don’t see this but perform actions vital to the project’s success. It is essential to use the ideal backend frameworks for the project.

The backend of any application consists of tools, backend logic, databases, servers, APIs, code libraries, and other relevant software needed to create the server-based logic. The backend has three parts: a server, a database, and an application to execute the logic.

Backend development is crucial for developers and the complete system. It is the base of the application on which further development takes place. It acts like an engine that pulls the entire system along.

The significant benefits of having a robust backend are:

  • Saving time on development
  • Better quality of product
  • Scalability and robustness
  • Enhanced security and seamless integration

Backend Development Technologies

Backend Technologies To Look Forward To

As we wonder what the backend technologies will rule the coming year, the backend technologies list below is sure to be in the limelight:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Laravel
  • Django
  • CakePHP
  • Spring Boot
  • Phoenix
  • Flask
  • Express
  • Meteor
  • Koa
  • Nest.js
  • Strapi

1. Ruby on Rails

Written in Ruby, Ruby on Rails is a server-side application framework that implements pattern usages like DRY or MVC. It is known for creating a fault-free database table structure. Applications are developed using an effective combination of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Ruby on Rails works on the Convention over Configuration (CoC) concept, which helps developers achieve more with less code.

Key Features:

  • Huge community support
  • Easy compilation and testing
  • Reduction in time spent on standard activities
  • Code reuse in different projects
  • Cost and time-practical framework

Organizations Using Ruby On Rails:

Zendesk, GitHub, Shopify, Hulu, Netflix, Airbnb, Crunchbase, Bloomberg, etc.

2. Laravel

Laravel is a well-known backend technology that uses practical language construction and an advanced toolbox. It is based on the PHP language and uses MVC architecture. Its salient syntax helps developers achieve flexibility and creativity while coding, taking care of all necessary care in the backend. The entire upload procedure is easily manageable and executable.

Key Features:

  • Versatility and expressive
  • Strong template system
  • Good documentation and community support
  • Easy process of upgradation
  • Authentication and authorization

Organizations Using Laravel:

Razorpay, Kmong, 9GAG, Pfizer, BBC, Ratio, About you., TourRadar, etc.

3. Django

Django is a popular, high-level framework that is a comprehensive backend technology. All components in the framework work together, so there is no need for separate third-party plug-ins. It is considered best for creating enterprise-level, interactive applications. A vast community supports Django, which makes it popular among developers.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced level of security
  • Faster development
  • Python web framework
  • SEO optimized
  • Versatile and scalable

Organizations Using Django:

Spotify, Instagram, Mozilla, National Geographic, Pinterest, Bitbucket, etc.

4. CakePHP

CakePHP is a well-known backend web development framework mainly for PHP development. It helps developers develop apps quickly and does not require complicated configuration. It offers comprehensive security mechanisms and uses good concepts like MVC, CoC, front controller, etc. Multifaceted HTTP app routing and reverse routing are available, which help create links between resources.

Key Features:

  • MVC and CoC architecture
  • User-friendly and active community
  • Effective integration for database communication
  • Perfect in commercial applications
  • Creates prototypes rapidly

Organizations Using CakePHP:

Fujitsu, Deloitte, Swat.io, Quezx.com, Walls.io, Citizens Inc, InSync Solutions, etc.

5. Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a popular backend technology based on JavaScript. It can be utilized effectively by any Java app with multiple extensions for development. Multiple modules give services. There is a spring core container that is a primary module offering containers. It is written in Java and is open-source in nature. Spring Boot maintains a list of standards and tools that help garner good results.

Key Features:

  • Uses the Spring security sub-project to offer security
  • Leverages the Spring platform
  • Written in Java
  • It Helps developers start with ease
  • Focuses on enterprise applications

Organizations Using Spring Boot:

Google, Accenture, Microsoft, Amazon, Udemy, CRED, trivago, etc.

6. Phoenix

The Phoenix framework is one of the apt backend choices as it offers the best-performing websites and applications. Developers can quickly create interactive and quality-rich web applications with the most minor coding. A large user community supports this tool. It is written in Elixir – a functional programming language. It provides real-time communication through WebSockets and operates well with Erlang’s virtual machine.

Key Features:

  • Reduces operational complexity
  • Versatile, productive, and production-ready
  • Inbuilt instrumentation and live dashboard
  • More code maintainability
  • Includes everything from prototyping to production

Organizations Using Phoenix:

Podium, Heroic Labs, PetSmart, EXOS, Axway, Avnet, Climatec, Knight Transportation, etc.

7. Flask

Flask is a popular micro-framework written in Python. It does not need specific libraries or tools; hence, it is termed a micro framework. There is no form validation, database abstraction layer, or pre-existing library. It is lightweight and chosen for creating smaller applications. There is extensive support for extensions that can insert features into web applications.

Key Features:

  • Inbuilt web server and debugger
  • Secured cookies
  • Support for unit testing and Unicode
  • Good documentation availability
  • Variety of tools, libraries, and mechanics

Organizations Using Flask:

LinkedIn, Netflix, CRED, trivago, Lyft, Reddit, Airbnb, Mozilla, Uber, MIT, etc.

8. Express

Express is a high-demand backend web development framework that operates for NodeJS. Developers can create apps with ease and speed. Restful APIs can be made with this tool. It is a backend section of the MEAN stack and offers a thin layer of primary web app characteristics. Since the requirements are minimalistic, it is trendy and flexible. Combined with other MEAN components like MongoDB, AngularJS, and NodeJS, it is competent in creating dynamic applications.

Key Features:

  • High level of performance with consistency
  • Web and video streaming
  • Plug-in support for more functionality
  • Good framework support
  • Compatibility with other frameworks

Organizations Using Express:

Accenture, Myntra, MuleSoft, Myspace, Twitter, Intuit, PLAID, Stack, Bepro Company, etc.

9. Meteor

Meteor is a popular backend technology written in JavaScript that is apt for creating mobile, desktop, and web applications. It operates seamlessly between the client and the server with ease. It integrates well with other frontend frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, Blaze, etc. Developers can code for the front and back end using a single language.

Key Features:

  • Full-stack solution
  • Isomorphic JavaScript code
  • Seamless database integration
  • Live Reload
  • Front end reactivity

Organizations Using Meteor:

Vitalyst, Speedway Motorsports, Accenture, Shelf, Rocket, Deloitte, Nordstrom, etc.

10. Koa

Koa is a leading, open-source NodeJS backend framework that is scalable and lightweight. It has good error-handling capabilities and offers excellent features for creating different types of apps. It has flexibility, robustness, and faster server execution, making it one of the most desirable backends. It does not have any middleware and is termed the next-gen NodeJS framework. Using ES6 generators ensures fewer callbacks with async code at the backend.

Key Features:

  • Simple, clean, and accessible code
  • Modern and futuristic
  • Smaller footprint compared to other NodeJS frameworks
  • Better error management
  • Usage of a context object

Organizations Using Koa:

GAPO, airCloset, Brainhub, Paralect, Pier, LetzChange, Pubu, Shimo Website, etc.

11. Nest.js

Written in JavaScript and TypeScript, Nest.js is an extensive and advanced framework ideal for creating backend systems. It has many attractive features embedded within it, so it is all set for production. It offers an easy connection with tools such as GraphQL. It powers TypeScript, is easy to learn and use, and has active codebase maintenance and development.

Key Features:

  • In-depth documentation
  • Strong CLI to enhance productivity
  • Easy and fast development
  • Modernized coding and supportable apps
  • Open-source and MIT-licensed

12. Strapi

Strapi is a popular NodeJS API framework with a minimalistic and intuitive editor. It is SEO-optimized with a user-friendly interface. There is a flexible content management mechanism. It has headless CMS competencies that connect the NodeJS framework to the content management system. Some helpful plug-ins and features save the time and effort of backend software developers.

Key Features:

  • Effective media library
  • Sorting and filtering options
  • Written in JavaScript
  • Headless CMS
  • Streamlined content delivery

Organizations Using Strapi:

Cozero, IBM, Nasa, Trade Republic, Walmart, Mind Gym, Labs, Nando’s Stack, etc.

Also Read: Top 15 Front End Technologies Shining Bright In 2023-24

Backend Technologies – The Conclusion

Choosing the best backend technology for your project depends on budget, expertise, complexity, database dealing, etc.

Organizations must understand the level of expertise available on the team and consider the transparency of accessing the code.

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