Parameters Python Java
Speed Being an interpreted language, Python determines the type of data at runtime and hence is slower. Java is faster as it is compiled and takes less time for code execution.
Flexibility Python is very flexible and offers different methods to solve the same problem. Java has hard rules on building features and isn’t that flexible when it comes to error-solving.
Popularity Python has recently gained a large amount of popularity in developed countries. Java has always been popular but is facing stiff competition now.
Quickness and Manageability Python is faster as compared to Java hence a preferred one, but Java is more portable. Java, because of JVM, can run a Java program on any device while Python needs a compiler.
Architecture Python translates the bytecode into machine code which is again stored in another folder, not translated at runtime. So, the bytecode is sent across the Python Virtual Machine, where the actual code executes. Java offers a run-time environment to manage the code. It offers a seamless experience to developers. It translates Java bytecode into ML which can be compiled at the time of execution.
Programming Features Python is a scripting language and is dynamically typed. Java is a compiled language and is statically typed.
Coding Style Python has fewer lines of coding and hence is preferred. Java is quite wordy and needs more lines of coding.
Favored Applications Python is preferred for AI, machine learning, IoT, etc. Java is preferred for mobile and web app development.
Developer Experience Python, being new and fresh, is keeping developers happy and enthusiastic. Java, being an old language, has its own set of developer loyalty existing for since long.
Variable Handling Python follows dynamic typing and allows the usage of variables as needed without bothering about their type. Java follows static typing and forces the definition of variable type in the start with no flexibility to change it later.
Writing Style Python uses indentation hence code is easy to read and more error-free. Java uses curly braces which isn’t as easy to read and gets more prone to errors.
Easier Usage Python is easy to learn for beginners and has a shorter learning curve. Java is a developer’s delight but has a larger learning curve, in comparison.
Whitespace Whitespace is a part of Python’s syntax. The Python snippet is a few lines shorter than the Java snippet. Java overlooks Whitespace. The Java snippet proves better than the Python snippet, especially in huge programs.
Code Compilation Python compiles code at runtime. Java compiles it in advance and distributes the bytecode.
Legacy Systems Python is effective when it comes to adapting legacy systems and makes slow changes. Java tends to fully rewrite and revamp legacy systems which gets cumbersome and takes more time.
Programming Approach Python supports the ‘literate programming approach’ that prepares a single document containing code, graphs, pictures, etc. Java uses a concise syntax method that uses code largely to create apps. The code is read by both other machines and developers.
Code Readability Python has a linear and less dispersed coding format as compared to Java. For, there is no need to put a semicolon at the end of every station. Hence, it is more readable. Java has a slightly more complex and difficult way of coding as compared to Python. Its usage of curly braces is quite high. Java isn’t as readable as Python.
Community Support Python has 1,637 user groups in 191 cities and 37 countries with more than 860,000 representatives. It has events like PyCon and PyLadies for women to meet and code together. Java has Java User Groups (JUGs), which are some of the most widespread coding groups in the world. It has events like JavaOne that indicate no signs of slowdown.