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15 Leading Snowflake Competitors Delivering The Data Cloud


September 5, 2022


March 14th, 2024

In the world of Big Data, having a data warehouse setup is costly and cumbersome. One such cloud platform that offers Big Data as a Service and reduces the need for separate data warehouses, data lakes, and data marts is Snowflake.

Snowflake has been highly popular in business scenarios concerning cloud-based data management. As one of the leading technologies in the data warehousing arena, Snowflake includes a data warehouse as a service with innovative features.

Just as Snowflake has been capturing the liking of all, other competitors can offer a similar array of services. Before we explore who these Snowflake competitors are, let us have a fleeting glance at what Snowflake is and its salient features.

What is Snowflake?

Snowflake Data Cloud enables the most critical workloads since it is one platform with many workloads with no data silos. It creates data-intensive applications and is trusted by organizations worldwide. It provides accurate and fast availability of data through a uniform source.

It offers seamless integration with BI and data integration tools like Tableau, Sigma, Qlik, etc. It works effectively on Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and Amazon S3. It reduces the administration needs of conventional warehousing solutions and does not require infrastructure management.

It has an exceptional business model, offering cloud-based data warehousing and storage services. It creates data-based business insights and a modernized data platform with continuous collaboration. As a fully managed service, it is easy to use and can handle multiple concurrent workloads.

Snowflake Features

  • Scalable, secure, reliable, fast, and concurrent
  • Almost zero management
  • Flexible and easy to use
  • Data import, export, sharing
  • Database replication and failover
  • Option to choose either ETL or ELT
  • Robust customer and community support
  • Brand recognition and customizable product offering

Companies Using Snowflake

  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Capital One
  • Warner Music Group
  • JetBlue
  • DoorDash
  • Allianz
  • Frontify
  • Autodesk
  • Disney Ad Sales
  • Pizza Hut
  • Flex
  • Billie

As we wonder who the Snowflake competitors are, let us explore the list of Snowflake Alternatives that offer tough competition.


Top 15 Snowflake Competitors Offering Optimum Services

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    Powered by Amazon, AWS has been recognized as a highly flexible, reliable, cost-driven, and comprehensive platform for providing ultimate-class app performance and hosting your IT infrastructure on the Internet.

    As a cloud-based platform, AWS is meant to facilitate app providers and vendors in hosting applications with speed and security. It offers on-demand computing resources that don’t need users to set up local servers.

    Salient Features

    • Flexible, robust, and scalable
    • Easy to learn and sign-in procedure
    • Integration with Amazon services like AWS Lambda etc.
    • Encompasses IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS
    • Provides on-demand processes like computer power, etc.
  2. Cloudera

    Cloudera is a known Snowflake competitor that offers enterprise data cloud services. Its hybrid data platform converts complicated data into understandable insights through secure data management.

    Users can easily and quickly perform data analytics, tracking and securing it thoroughly. Powered by Hadoop, it supports Big Data management with appropriate data storage and management. There are self-service tools for data analysis.

    Salient Features

    • Real-time data analytics
    • Operational database
    • Easy and fast data management
    • Hybrid development
    • Data Science and ML
  3. Google Cloud Platform

    Powered by Google, Google Cloud Platform is a known name for cloud computing services that offer IaaS, PaaS, and serverless computing. The Google App Engine is a platform for developing and hosting web apps in Google-managed data centers.

    This tool offers a web-based GUI for managing Google Cloud projects. It includes a range of hosted services for computing and storing applications. Developers, administrators, and IT people can access these services through the network.

    Salient Features

    • Access to resources from anywhere
    • An automatic environment with web tools
    • On-demand accessibility of computing resources
    • Data storage and computing
    • Reliable, relevant, and secure
  4. Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure is a flexible cloud computing platform that hosts content on cloud servers. It offers a wide range of services that utilize the potential of PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS with support from other languages and frameworks.

    It offers offerings like Azure Data Lake Store and Azure Synapse Analytics, which are good competitors to Snowflake. It also provides application management through Microsoft-managed data centers.

    Salient Features

    • Scalable, elastic with strong dashboard support
    • Seamless third-party integration support
    • Support for DevOps and CI
    • Integrated Cloud setup
    • Close integration with other Microsoft tools
  5. Teradata

    Teradata is a leading, multi-cloud platform that helps analyze enterprise-level data from different sources. It offers cloud-based products, business analytics, and consulting. It deals with database analytics software subscriptions.

    Teradata offers versatile database features and possesses a large user base. It is ideal for data warehousing and mining. It has a strong partner network and supports hybrid multi-cloud services.

    Salient Features

    • Unified data source
    • Cloud-based and on-premises data warehousing
    • Business modelling
    • Scalable, mature, and reliable
    • Modernized data analytics
  6. Oracle

    Oracle has been a known name in databases and technology for years. It offers a range of products, such as Oracle Database and Oracle Cloud that can compete with Snowflake.

    It is famous for creating database software, enterprise software, cloud-based systems, and other software for large clientele worldwide. As database management software, it offers cloud computing solutions via PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS models.

    Salient Features

    • Cross-platform support
    • Easy exchange of information through the flexible network stack
    • ACID compliance, reliable with data integrity
    • Portable, fast, secure, and efficient
    • Multiple database management
  7. Databricks

    Databricks is often compared to Snowflake as it blends the best data warehouses and lakes into a data lake house architecture. It teams up on all your data, analytics, and AI workloads. It creates a web-based platform with automatic cluster management.

    Databricks comes from the creators of Apache Spark. It performs data science and engineering in Machine Learning systems, from preparing data to experimentation and controlling configurations.

    Salient Features

    • Integrated identity management
    • Interactive workspace
    • Wide range of data sources
    • Optimized Apache Spark environment
    • Auditing and secure deployment
  8. Panoply

    Panoply is a leading data warehousing tool also known for its ETL capabilities. It combines an effective data warehouse with no-code data integration. It offers excellent integration with other third-party tools and is considered adequate in cost.

    As a comprehensive cloud data warehouse service, it allows users to query directly from the platform or connect to the respective tool. Its inbuilt ETL facilities connect well with different data sources.

    Salient Features

    • Zero maintenance
    • Plug-and-play compatibility with BI tools
    • Pre-designed SQL queries
    • Automated data type detection
    • Handsfree scaling
  9. Redshift

    Redshift is a cloud-driven, Big Data warehousing solution powered by Amazon that uses SQL to analyze data. Data could be in different formats—structured or unstructured—across various databases, warehouses, or data lakes.

    Redshift is apt for data scientists and engineers to manage large-scale datasets and migrations. It uses third-party tools for data transformation and ETL jobs and complies well with HIPAA and GDPR rules and regulations.

    Salient Features

    • Fully managed cloud-based data warehouse
    • Powerful and good performance
    • The idea for data scientists and engineers
    • Easy for deployment and management
    • Cost-effective and scalable
  10. Google BigQuery

    Powered by Google, BigQuery is an agile and scalable multi-cloud data warehouse. It is a completely managed and serverless data warehouse. It follows the PaaS model supporting queries through ANSI SQL.

    It empowers the analysis of petabytes of data and possesses inbuilt machine-learning competencies. It assists organizations in executing business analytics with scalability. It integrates well with other Google products, such as Google Analytics.

    Salient Features

    • Geospatial analysis
    • Affordable and flexible storage capabilities
    • Complete support from the Google Cloud Platform
    • Seamless integration with machine learning tools
    • Database scalability and automatic backups
  11. PostgreSQL

    Postgres is a popular, free, open-source RDBMS that is extensible and SQL-compliant. Developers appreciate it because it is reliable, stable, and performs well. The Postgres community offers massive community support.

    It is the leading data store for multiple geospatial, web, and mobile applications. It offers fewer maintenance costs than its peers but requires an ETL tool to get the data into storage units.

    Salient Features

    • Considerable data integrity and data capacity
    • Table inheritance
    • Multi-version concurrency control
    • Diverse replication and indexing methods
    • Open-source RDBMS
  12. IBM

    IBM is a leading multinational company that offers services in technology, cognitive services, cloud platforms, etc. IBM DB2 has been offering data warehousing and hosting services in the data warehouse area.

    There is total control over data and applications that is manageable and effective. It offers an in-memory BLU processing technique with high performance and scalability. The infrastructure is quite robust and offers in-database analytics.

    Salient Features

    • MPP architecture
    • Ideal for hybrid architecture
    • Faster querying capabilities
    • Optimized storage and SQL compatibility
    • Enhanced performance with AI
  13. Apache Druid

    Apache Druid is an open-source, real-time, cloud-native, distributed data store written in Java. It is meant to create modernized and fast data analytics applications by consuming vast amounts of data and offering queries.

    It is free to use and has low latency and high concurrency. It creates interactive analytics that helps many organizations create analytics applications. The database prioritizes factors like fast performance, real-time data ingestion, and high uptime.

    Salient Features

    • Lower latency for OLAP queries
    • Adaptable schemas
    • Column-oriented storage
    • Fuelling GUIs of analytical applications
    • Backend for highly concurrent APIs
  14. Dremio

    Dremio is a popular cloud data analytics tool that provides analytical procedures for executing on data lakes. It adapts different processes for data extraction and has a centralized data catalog for other data sources.

    Dremio assists in lessening the data warehousing costs associated with it. It has in-memory software that helps execute analytical routines, barring a data warehouse. As an easy-to-use and open lake house platform, Dremio offers an experience with an insightful UI for all.

    Salient Features

    • Facilitates BI capabilities of all types
    • Enterprise level security
    • Cost efficacy with control
    • Automatic onboarding with attractive UX
    • Self-service data ingestion
  15. Vertica

    Vertica is a well-known analytical database management tool that offers unified analytics with speed, inbuilt machine learning, and scalability. It is fast, advanced, and accessible on-premises or on different platforms.

    Vertica has a software-dependent analytical platform that helps companies of all sizes and segments analyze data in real-time. It supports Big Data processing, columnar databases, and data warehousing.

    Salient Features

    • Vast parallel processing
    • Columnar orientation
    • Automated database design
    • Expanded cloud integration
    • Progressive compression competencies

The Conclusion

As we browse the list of possible Snowflake alternatives, we understand that organizations must choose their preferred option based on specific parameters.

Though companies using Snowflake are pretty contented, critical underlying conditions such as the type of cloud-based service needed, budgeted cost, organizational objectives, skilled resource availability, etc., play a pivotal role in choosing the best Snowflake competitor.

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